Page 9 - Inner Gazing
P. 9

various brands covering Balinese faces. In this period Suja still   elements of sound and movement, enveloped in a mystical
            dealt intensely with issues of identity, the interaction between   nuance in the frame of spirituality. The sound aspect translates
            Balinese traditional culture and “modern” culture. In short, Suja   in color, because in color it captures bright and dark tones; the
            seemed to be interested in bringing about a collision—a clash   contrast of harmony is a form of further appreciation of sound.
            between two different things. In this exhibition Suja presents   Movement translates into expressive and rhythmic lines. The
            work that shows the development of ideas from previous work.   mystical aspect he presents in color choices which, according to
            In this series of work, Suja focuses on ecological issues facing   his own terms, tend to be nuanced in “Antara” (Between). “Antara”
            Bali, especially on the problem of plastic waste. Suja says that   for Bonuz is his translation of time, sandikala, the time between
            he felt anxiety as an artist about the problem of plastic waste,   light and dark, evening becoming night. It is there, according to
            enough to disturb him to speak out in response to it. Suja, who   Bonuz, that he finds the peak moment of the magical.
            believes that a work of art has not only artistic aspects but also
            aspects of the message in it, eventually developed or shifted   Basic questions about what painting is—and seeing the
            the perspective in interpreting the presence of plastic objects   development of the world of contemporary art, which tends to
            in his work. At first it was a cultural marker; now it becomes a   emphasize conceptual aspects and celebrate technological and
            threat. Some of the latest works also show shifts and changes   media innovations, especially when comparing international
            of medium. Where formerly he painted intensely with the   contemporary art with the development of contemporary
            medium of oil paint, in the works that he displays nows, he uses   art in Indonesia, especially Bali—moved the artist I Wayan
            acrylic medium. The transfer of this medium also influences   Januariawan (“Donal”) to investigate the view of the academic
            the techniques used by Suja. Techniques, of course, affect the   tradition as the basis of painting. He wanted to re-examine and
            visual appearance. According to Suja, since changing to acrylic   live the “tradition” of painting in the development of modern art
            medium, he now presents a more expressive sweep in his works.  through the method of painting on the spot. He returns to nature,
                                                                    tries to appreciate and permeate the phenomenon of form where
            Putu (“Bonuz”) Sudiana explores the path of abstract painting.   aspects of light play a vital role in the absorption of objects by
            In presenting his works, Bonuz seems to be strongly influenced   the eye and then transferred to the canvas plane. The selection
            by the condition of his “self” and the surrounding environment.   of objects painted by Donal on the spot is itself also an object
            Abstract painting, which places the most essential elements   in the environment that is familiar in his daily life as a Balinese.
            in the form itself, is indeed very close to the artist’s personal   So what appears visibly in Donal’s works is painting landscapes,
            and inner expression, expressing language that tends to be   painting trees or parts of certain plants that are painted close-
            formalistic. But if examined further, the matter of formalism in   up, or a collection of natural objects. So is what is painted and
            abstract art is not so simple. There are layers upon layers of   presented by Donal in his works as simple as merely moving
            meaning that can develop within it. The inspiration of artists   objects from nature to the canvas? It turns out that his creative
            about what is being done can actually be one way to see, read,   process is more complicated. There are layers of meaning that
            and feel abstract painting. Bonuz, who in his daily life is both   we can explore further. His post-graduate experience in cultural
            an artist and a temple priest, is very close to various religious   studies after his ISI Denpasar painting studies influences Donal’s
            activities in the Balinese Hindu tradition. He is accustomed to   perspective in looking at and interpreting his art. Included is the
            the activities of reciting mantra, ringing the ritual bell, intimate   choice of painting on the spot objects or events that exist in the
            with various symbols and ritual activities in Bali. This is very   surrounding environment and Bali in general. Every region, every
            influential in his creative process. Besides that, Bonuz’s interest   human being lives in a certain cultural scope with a different
            in sound is also an important point in the process of creating his   perception in looking at objects. This is very much influenced by
            works. This is what Bonuz tried to settle in his consciousness   cultural and geographical aspects. As an example, Donal cites
            and also consciously display as a starting point in presenting his   the coconut tree, which for the people of Bali is a very important
            abstract work in this exhibition. He indicates this in the Mystical   plant, because the function of each part of this plant is closely
            Rhythm series, where Bonuz presents his idea in perceiving   related to the daily life and ritual culture of the Balinese

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