Page 21 - 57 X 76 - Hanafi • Goenawan Mohamad
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about collaborative activism and practices since the           there is a push to dismantle the subject of artists
               1990s, proposes a view that puts collaboration as an           as ‘center’, and to place ‘public’, ‘community’, or

               artist’s maneuver in the neo-liberal art scene to create       ‘viewers’ as an active part in the process of creating
               ‘collective autonomy.’ 4                                       artistic, in the collaboration of Hanafi and GM we
                                                                              are still focusing on the process of creation between
               In general, collaboration is always a manifestation            the two artists. However, when compared with

               of the spirit of openness and the fluidity of the              spontaneous / impromptu collaboration between
               subjectivity of artists. Here I am referring to the            artists (for example, in ‘joint painting’ activities, where
               notion of the artist as author: a single individual            two or more artists paint together on one canvas
               with a particular genius. Since the Renaissance,               and are watched by many as a kind of ‘demo’ or

               Western modernity has believed that ‘progress’ can             performance),  57 x 76 has a number of specific
               be achieved when individuals are able to escape                singularities. And before identifying them, I want to
               from the confines of collectivity, religious dogma and         look first take a glimpse at history.
               dependence on other individuals. Art historians since

               Vasari then set the discussion about style, technique          Although in-depth and definitive writings on artistic
               and the birth of the aesthetic languages of modern             collaboration in Indonesia are still very minimal,
               art as individual achievements: artists are self-aware         it is certain that ‘collaboration’ between artists is
               and independent individuals in their various efforts to        not a new practice at all. The idea of collaboration

               produce aesthetic innovations.                                 developed inseparably with the ebb and flow of
                                                                              collectivism as a central idea to discuss the social life
               57 x 76 is indeed not a project that follows the latest        of the Indonesian people to this day. Collectivism—
               trends in contemporary collaboration practices. If             which I define here simply as values or principles that

               in ‘community based art’ projects—just call it that—           place individuals as subordinates of groups—can be

               carried out by the Art & Language group, the duo’s Gilbert and   5  One of the many Indonesian artists who most often does this kind
               George, Abramovic–Ulay, and Jean Claude–Christo, demonstrate the   of activity is Nasirun. In 2012, accompanying the launch of the book
               awareness and efforts of artists to project authorship models as well   Stories of Affandi, he painted together with Kartika Affandi on one
               as new artistic identities. See Green, ibid., p. xi-xiii.      canvas, then did it again with fifty other painters in Yogyakarta in
               4  Lind, op.cit., p. 67                                        2013.

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