Page 26 - 57 X 76 - Hanafi • Goenawan Mohamad
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composition that fills the paper field. But even more to a parlor game for the process of creating an image,
interesting in this picture is the encounter and glimpse this experiment sets rules: two or more artists must
of a metaphor of visual objects with the image of draw alternately or sequentially on the same paper.
separation and sadness implicit in GM’s poetry. Each artist draws on a piece of paper and folds it
to conceal a part of the drawing, and then passes it
We can immediately recognize the quite striking on to the next artist, who in turn sees only a part. It
artistic differences between the individual works of is easy to imagine how this experiment produced a
Hanafi and GM. But it may be precisely because of final picture that was completely hybrid, irrational,
these differences that GM immediately welcomed incoherent, often chaotic, and at an extreme level:
Hanafi’s invitation to collaborate. He considers it surreal.
not only a challenge but also an honor. GM esteems
Hanafi as a painter who, with total freedom, always For the Dadaists / Surrealists, this collaboration
works with ‘the joy of creating.’ The excitement, procedure is basically a technique to allow antithesis
he writes, “... is none other than the absence of or subversion of the norms and conventions for
compulsion in his creative work—something that can the creation of an artwork. The aim is to release
happen when the artist must follow a reference to be the method of creating art from systems that are
represented outside himself.” rational, rigid and planned with certainty. In the
same spirit as the surrealist series of experiments
I think the process of the 57 x 76 project is full of joy such as automatic drawing, ‘exquisite corpse’
and the freedom of creation. The procedure carried places creation as an aleatoric process (from the
out by Hanafi and GM for 57 x 76 reminds me of the Latin, aleator, meaning ‘dice thrower’) that relies on
‘exquisite corpse’ experiment pioneered by Dadaists random uncertainty or coincidence. Aleatoricism,
/ Surrealists—Andre Breton, Yves Tanguy, and Marcel which was later also developed and formulated in
Duchamp, to mention a few of them—in 1925. Similar more detail as a method of musical composition,
considers unpredictability as something that is
13 Goenawan Mohamad, Hanafi, Sejak di Depan Kanvas Kosong, able to overcome the determination of the subject’s
catalog of Hanafi solo exhibition, Of Space and Shadows, Jakarta,
Komunitas Salihara, 2011. consciousness and will.