Page 24 - 57 X 76 - Hanafi • Goenawan Mohamad
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Here, experimentation is posited not only as a path to        (2016), for example, the shape of a mountain can be
          the process of creation itself; it is not different from it.   clearly identified, as well as thick clouds and blazing

          “Experimentation and creation are the same,” Hanafi           lava. There are very special moments that encourage
          says. In all his experience of painting, Hanafi has           him to express ideas in formal language, then choose
          never felt that there was a work that ‘failed’. He values     to display objects at other moments. Afrizal Malna
          painting as the accumulation of authentic moments             identified this tendency as a legacy derived from the

          in a specific space, the result of a process that cannot      ‘animistic aesthetics’ that Hanafi learned from theater
          be repeated.                                                  director Roedjito.

          Hanafi has long been known as a painter who likes             Hanafi’s openness is also reflected in his long history

          to work with broad areas of canvas, with an intense           of collaboration with a number of practitioners
          washes of pastel or pale colors (often using paint            from other disciplines, for example architects (Yori
          rollers), and spontaneous line strokes. Indeed, over          Antar for JakArt @ 2001; Andra Matin, for a number
          more than three decades of work, Hanafi developed             of sculpture and landscape projects, including the

          non-representational painting styles which later              Sukarno statue in Ende, Flores, 2013); writers (Nukila
          earned him a reputation as an ‘abstract painter’. Even        Amal, for the book Mirah Mini, 2012; Afrizal Malna for
          so, anyone who really observes Hanafi will find that          the exhibition Javanese Oxygen, 2015 and Javanese
          cues, or ‘alerts’, occasionally escape, because some          Noise, 2016); painters (Sunaryo, for the Jakarta Art

          of Hanafi’s works, also not infrequently, describe            Market, 2013), choreographers and dancers (Lim Fei
          concrete objects (irons, pins, pencils, needles,              Shien and Maxine Happner, 2002), and others. The
          baskets, and so forth.) I do not reject these ‘alerts’ of     role of his wife, Adinda Luthvianti, is very important
          ‘abstract painter’ on the figure of Hanafi. But it should     in shaping Hanafi’s flexible and diverse work

          be added that another peculiarity of Hanafi is in his         environment and insight.10
          flexible and open artistic temperament. In fact, he
          was never too fanatical about the abstraction idiom,          9  Afrizal Malna, “Ujung yang Tersembunyi dalam Gulungannya”,
          which merely relied on formal elements such as lines,         an essay for the exhibition Biografi Visual: Oksigen Jawa, di Galeri
                                                                        Soemardja, Bandung, 2015.
          spots, and colors. In the painting Wedhus Gembel              10  Malna, ibid.

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