Born in 27 May 1958 in Banjar Dlodtangluk, Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali. He was raised in the neighborhood of artists, painters, sculptors, dancers and musicians. He was conciously choose to follow the path of art during his teenager years and enrolled in the High School of Arts in Denpasar. Soon after, he travelled to Yogyakarta in Central Java and pursuing bachelor degree in Fine Arts at the Indonesian Art Institute. The two schools shaped his perception in arts and expand his realm in understanding the relations between the visual of traditional art in Bali and the technique and approach of Western art. The dialog betweenn the two world is evident in Erawan’s works up until now.
He begun working and living as an artist since 1983. For about 25 years he has been working in different fields of art as he is as much as talented in visual and performance art. His works are mainly inspired by the philosophy of life in Balinese-Hindu perspective called Trimurti, in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahma the creator, Visnu the maintainer or preserver, and Siva the destroyer or transformer. The form or destruction and incarnation, life and death, chaos and order, traditional and modern. He creates paintings and installation, video art and body art performance in many exhibitions in Indonesia and abroad.