Saat Usia Lima puluh (at Fifty)

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Saat Usia Lima puluh (at Fifty)
Excerpts from Jim Supangkat’s Curatorial Writing: Making Is Thinking

At first, I was taken aback when I found out he was preparing a series of deconstructive paintings for his 50th birthday exhibition. For I had thought he would have exhibited representations that would symbolize important milestones of his career, demonstrating what is considered superior and excellent in his creative works thus far.

Deconstruction is the opposite of what I had imagined. It is as if he has willed himself to start again from zero, relinquishing the opportunity to show off his many high points and achievements. But Hanafi held firm to his beliefs. For his birthday, he is looking forward and continuing on the path of his artistic exploration. He isn’t looking backwards, recounting his achievements, resting on his laurels.

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